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ICT and new technologies
Environment and Safety
Languages and Communication
Inter professional Funds
Tourism and Catering
Social Inclusion
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Course categories:
ICT and New Technologies
Language / Communication
Environment and Safety
Environment and Safety / Health & Safety Training Courses
Environment and Safety / Health & Safety Training Courses / Worker Training
Environment and Safety / Health & Safety Training Courses / Formazione Specifica
Environment and Safety / Health & Safety Training Courses / RSPP Datori di Lavoro
Environment and Safety / Health & Safety Training Courses / RLS
Environment and Safety / Health & Safety Training Courses / Antincendio
Environment and Safety / Health & Safety Training Courses / Primo Soccorso
Environment and Safety / Health & Safety Training Courses / Dirigente
Environment and Safety / Health & Safety Training Courses / Preposto
Environment and Safety / Health & Safety Training Courses / Coordinatori della sicurezza in cantiere
Environment and Safety / Health & Safety Training Courses / Spazi Confinati (ambienti sospetti di inquinamento)
Environment and Safety / Work Equipment and Machinery Safety
Environment and Safety / Work Equipment and Machinery Safety / Piattaforme di lavoro elevabili (PLE)
Environment and Safety / Work Equipment and Machinery Safety / Carrelli elevatori semoventi
Environment and Safety / Work Equipment and Machinery Safety / Gru Mobili
Environment and Safety / Work Equipment and Machinery Safety / Gru Autocarro
Environment and Safety / Work Equipment and Machinery Safety / Trattori Agricoli
Environment and Safety / Work Equipment and Machinery Safety / Macchine Movimento Terra
Environment and Safety / Work Equipment and Machinery Safety / Addetti alla posa della segnaletica stradale
Environment and Safety / Work Equipment and Machinery Safety / Addetti ai lavori in quota
Environment and Safety / Work Equipment and Machinery Safety / Ponteggio
Tourism and Catering (HO.RE.CA.)
Inter-professional Funds
Social Inclusion
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Formazione antincendio per addetti antincendio in attività di livello 1
Formazione antincendio per addetti antincendio in attività di livello 1
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Formazione antincendio per addetti antincendio in attività di livello 2
Formazione antincendio per addetti antincendio in attività di livello 2
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Aggiornamento formazione antincendio per addetti antincendio in attività di livello 1
Aggiornamento formazione antincendio per addetti antincendio in attività di livello 1
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Aggiornamento formazione antincendio per addetti antincendio in attività di livello 2
Aggiornamento formazione antincendio per addetti antincendio in attività di livello 2
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